Abstract Artist

Abstract Artist

Di is the founder of Fluid creations by Di and she lives on the beautiful south coast of England in the UK. Having worked all of her adult life in healthcare and bringing up twin boys to men, she decided it was time for a change of direction...

In recent times whilst taking a break from work, she discovered Art. Initially using it as a therapy she very quickly became passionate about art, in particular abstract fluid art...which led from Fluid acrylic pouring on canvas to resin art then more recently on to alcohol ink art creations. Alongside this, she was learning all about colour theory and the science of art as Di had not ever formally studied this subject.. So Fluid creations by Di was born.

 Art gives Di an inner peace, calm, relaxation and a sense of happiness, it has certainly been therapeutic for her in recent times.

 She has a busy life with a full-time job and art has been a newfound hobby but now Di is taking it a step further and aims to do what she enjoys by selling some of her beautiful creations so others can have a piece of unique art for themselves…

She makes her creations at her new art studio from home.

Di is a visionary artist whose abstract paintings transcend the boundaries of space and time. With an unyielding passion for capturing the beauty of celestial bodies, galaxies, moons, and the natural wonders of Earth, she takes viewers on a captivating journey through the cosmos.

Born with an innate curiosity and a profound appreciation for the mysteries of the universe, she channels the artistic energy into creating stunning abstract paintings that resonate with awe-inspiring wonder. Every brushstroke on the canvas reflects their deep connection with the cosmos, as they translate the ethereal into tangible form.

Drawing inspiration from the vastness of space Di explores the intricate interplay of colors, textures, and shapes, creating mesmerizing compositions that evoke a sense of cosmic harmony. 

Through her unique artistic perspective, viewers can contemplate the grandeur of the universe and to find solace in its infinite possibilities.

Her artwork is a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues, capturing the mesmerizing dance of celestial bodies, the ethereal glow of distant galaxies, and the enigmatic allure of lunar landscapes. The paintings reflect a fusion of imagination and scientific understanding, revealing a profound respect for the natural world and the mysteries that lie beyond.

With various techniques and mediums, She effortlessly blends acrylics and mixed media to create textured surfaces that mimic the vastness of space. Their artworks are a testament to their deep reverence for the interconnectedness of all things, bridging the realms of science and art in a harmonious union.

As Di continues to explore the wonders of the universe, their artistic journey remains an ever-evolving exploration of the boundless depths of the cosmos. Their art serves as a reminder to embrace the beauty of both the known and unknown, encouraging us to marvel at the celestial wonders that surround us and to cherish the natural splendors of our own Earth.